Out and About

The Bernardo Gardeners on a recent self-guided tour of the RB Inn Chef's Garden.


Bad News...Chilli Thrips Are Back!

Chilli Thrips will present themselves on your rose bushes in a more devastating way than the smaller thrips (Western Flower) that we have been dealing with for years. Chilli Thrips show their damage on the newest growth, making it look shriveled, twisted, or puckered. Also, there can be bronze streaking on the leaves and misshapen smaller blooms. The petals on the buds will have blackened edges. This pest needs to be taken seriously as the damage it inflicts is not merely cosmetic. A severe infestation can result in a complete defoliation of the entire rose bush.

What to do? Use an insecticide containing Spinosad immediately, such as Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew Concentrate or Conserve SC, and spray when bees are inactive, such as at the end of the day. This will ensure that you do not kill them as the pesticide is safe once the spray dries. Spray again as needed following the directions on the container. Natural predators such as the minute pirate bug can also provide some control. For maximum effectiveness, alternate your pesticides every two weeks to avoid the possibility of the pests developing an immunity to a single pesticide. 

Audrey Koble

Information for this article was supplied by members of the San Diego Rose Society.

Be Careful With Plants and Pets

While it's still warm, we're all tempted to go outside and make our yards beautiful. But if you have pets--beware--there are many plants that are poisonous to them. Oleanders, azaleas, and members of the onion family are just a few of the plants that are toxic to our furry friends. And while many of us love the smell of cocoa mulch, it is poisonous to dogs as well. Plan your landscape projects with care by choosing the right plants for the locations and limiting areas where pets can roam.

To learn more, click the following informative links:

AKC Poisonous Plant Guide

Healthy Paws Pet Insurance Vegetable Guide

Cocoa Mulch, Danger to Dogs

Audrey Koble

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Bernardo Gardeners Club

Rancho Bernardo, San Diego, California